Best of TV, No. 6

Today I continue my look at my favorite TV series of all time with the only show on the list that's still on the air.

Fringe (2008-2012)
Network: FOX
About: "Fringe" is a hybrid show that borrows from elements of other shows, including some on this list. It takes a very scientific approach to its sci-fi exploration. Whereas a show like "The X-Files" centered on alien mythology, "Fringe" is interested in scientific boundaries, and the ways men like to play God. This appeals to me from a theological standpoint too. It's a fun exploration of these topics. In a lot of ways, "Fringe" is like a hybrid of "The X-Files" and "LOST," which is fitting since it comes from producer J.J. Abrams. But it's not just the story construct that appeals to me, it's the characters and the warm, rich performances. "Fringe" has never gotten its due. The show hasn't been highly rated and it hasn't gotten awards. Still, I feel it's been the best show on television for the past few years. It will end its run this fall, but thankfully FOX has recognized the work on this show and has allowed it five seasons (including a proper goodbye this fall) despite it not being a ratings powerhouse. Anna Torv is excellent in the lead role, but she's hardly alone. Torv has great skill and has had to play a number of variations on the characters over the past four seasons. John Noble, as Dr. Walter Bishop, has done incredible work too. He is often the focal point for considering the deeper theological and sociological issues that the show works into the fabric of its narrative. Then there's Joshua Jackson. He's gone from teen heartthrob to serious dramatic actor. He's done incredible work on this show. While the three main leads really make the show go, there have also been a host of supporting and part-time players — including the great Leonard Nimoy — that have made "Fringe" an incredible ride. Of course, it's a highly serialized show. That means you have to start from the beginning if you really want to appreciate the show and understand the dense mythology. But it's more than worth it. The final season bows this fall on Friday nights.
Where To Find It: The first three seasons of "Fringe" are available on DVD and Blu-Ray. The fourth season will be released in September. The fifth season will air Friday nights at 9 p.m. on FOX this fall.


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