Welcome to The Springs

One month ago I began a new Odyssey here in Colorado. After living my whole life in California, I decided to blow things up, apparently. I got married, when on a trip, then changed jobs, cities, apartments, and states. For a guy that doesn't like change that much and craves the sanctity of routine, that was quite a leap of faith.

Though I'm still getting used to my new surroundings (and the fact that I've moved to a city of 416,000 now from a city of 30,000), it's been a fun transition. Now seems like a good time to reflect a bit on the things I've learned this first month.

1. The Weather Can Be Unpredictable. On the first Monday here, we had a massive Thunder Storm. There was rain, flash floods, and lots of thunder and lightening. Coming from the Central Coast of California, I was unprepared for such weather. On the next day, while asking everyone I could find about it at work, someone asked, "What, they don't have thunder storms in California." No, no they do not. Since that time, I've gotten used to afternoon thunder showers, and a variety of other things. And from what I've gathered, I haven't seen anything yet... stay tuned.

2. You Can Drink The Tap Water. In fact, most people here don't drink bottled water. This, of course, is a massive departure. The tap water corroded the fixtures in Paso Robles, so I certainly wasn't going to drop it down the hatch. Here, it's actually kind of tasty.

3. Drivers Here Are Just As Bad As California. I had this impression that drivers here would adhere more to the speed limit and be a little nicer. Not the case. This driving reminds me of my college days in Southern California — you know, where people are going 60 in a 35 and honking at you because you're not. And I have been cut off more times in a month here than in seven years in Paso Robles.

4. Prime Time Starts Earlier. That's right, Prime Time is from 7-10 here, not 8-11. Of course, cable shows are also on from 6-9 here, not 5-8, so that's a trade off too. But it's kind of nice to watch a late show and some news and still be asleep by 10:30. I guess this made the list because I'm prematurely old.

5. The Broncos Are THE Team Here. Every store I visit (Target, Wal-Mart, Albertsons) has Broncos apparel and gear for sale. In short, I'm in sports heaven. Someone pinch me.... in March.


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