Fall TV Preview, Part 2

Last week I looked at returning shows to get excited about. This week I'll highlight three new shows that could be worth checking out.

Last Resort, Thursdays at 8 p.m. on ABC
Why: This show comes from Shawn Ryan, who created "The Shield" and "The Chicago Code." It is an ambitious concept, especially for a network drama. It will be interesting to see how the producers make this work over the course of a season, or a couple of seasons, but I'm intrigued. Plus, the show has a great cast and looks like it could be something a little different. If nothing else it offers a chance to escape from the mundane set of offerings that otherwise comprise this season's new shows.
When It's On: The show premiers on Thursday, Sept. 27.

Revolution, Mondays at 10 p.m. on NBC
Why: This show comes from producer J.J. Abrams ("LOST," "Fringe") and Eric Kripke ("Supernatural"). The pilot offered some interesting moments and set the premise up well. It wasn't the greatest first hour out there, but there is a certain potential to this show. There are some interesting ideas, and the alternate future allows for some interesting story telling options. Again, this is unlike a lot of what is being thrown out there this season.
When it's On: The show premiered on Monday, Sept. 17. The pilot is available on demand.

The Mindy Project, Tuesdays at 9:30 p.m. on FOX
Why: Last season, FOX had the best new show with "New Girl." It was a fun, quirky comedy that had a great first season. FOX looks to continue that trend this year with "The Mindy Project," the quirky new sitcom that will follow "New Girl" in hopes of creating a fun comedy block this fall. The pilot was pretty good, and the show has potential to be endearing. Mindy Kaling, the star and creator of the show, seems to fit well with the material. This looks like it is the best new sitcom of the fall season.
When It's On: The show premiers on Tuesday, Sept. 25.


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