Fall TV Roundup, Week 2

The new fall season continues this week, mostly with NBC trucking out it's new wares. The second episodes of "Go On" and "The New Normal" hit the air Tuesday, and on Wednesday audiences were treated to a sneak peak of the Peacock's other new comedy, "Guys With Kids." All I can say about NBC's fall slate is... ugh...  Shows are indexed below by night of the week and by time (MDT).

Tuesday Nights:
Go On — 8 p.m. on NBC
I think my wife summed up my feelings on this show Tuesday night when, after struggling through the episode, she said "I want to like it." It seems like it should be amusing. I like Matthew Perry. I want to like this show. It's just not... funny. There is nothing to laugh at. In fact, it's mostly sad. It feels like some good people were cajoled into this experiment to see how much good will America would extend a comedy that fails to produce a single joke. I can't think of a single joke that landed in two episodes. In fact, whatever slim glimmer of hope existed following its premier was extinguished in this episode. Matthew Perry deserves better, and so does America.
Pilot Grade: C; Second Episode: D

The New Normal — 8:30 p.m. on NBC
Ugh. This comedy from Ryan Murphy and Ali Adler seems bent on riding out cliches, many of which are offensive, and meandering through what feels like a political statement. It had mildly more amusing moments than "Go On," but it also had more offensive moments. This show has a high ick factor for me, and it's overly weird. It's like the weirdest, most uncomfortable moments of "Glee" stretched out into a 30-minute sitcom without music. And that's not good. Not to mention, sandwiched between "The Voice" and "Parenthood," it's hard to see how "Go On" and "The New Normal" fit from a programming standpoint.
Pilot Grade: C-; Second Episode: D

Wednesday Nights:
Guys With Kids — 7:30 p.m. on NBC
This show will follow "Animal Practice" on Wednesday nights. It's the fourth of NBC's new comedies and got a sneak preview Wednesday before it "premiers" for real on Sept. 26. Don't hold your breath. You can wait. This show is mildly disappointing — and I say mildly because I thought it would be stupid. It is, but it's also boring. Hence the mild disappointment. NBC is the proud network that aired "Friends," "Seinfeld," "Frasier," "Mad About You," "Cheers," and "Scrubs." The past two seasons, the network has aired a slew of new sitcoms, and none of them have risen above the level of mediocre. It's just sad. This is a mediocre concept to begin with, and it's done in a flat way. There is nothing compelling here, the show just simply exists. About the kindest thing that can be said is that the show isn't offensive.
Pilot Grade: C-


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