Fall TV Roundup, Week 5

And now they've almost all out, the new shows for the 2012-13 season that is. In this space I have been cataloging all the pilot and second episodes of new shows and giving them grades. If you don't see a new show listed here, check previous weeks as I may have already covered them.

After two episodes I usually decide if I am in or out, and there have been precious few shows that have made the cut this year. But some that had weak pilots have me intrigued after a second viewing. Shows are listed by air date and time. All times are Mountain Time!

Sunday Nights:
666 Park Avenue — 9 p.m. on ABC
This show is a horror/thriller. There are difficulties with that on Network TV, and that comes into play here. Now I am a big horror film fan. I wrote a senior communication thesis on the evolution of slasher films. I also like what ABC's been doing the past few years. Both the shows paired with "Park Avenue" — sophomore sensations "Once Upon A Time" and "Revenge" — were shows I liked from last year. That being said, I didn't get caught by 666 Park Avenue. I thought the characters were weak, the story was weak, and the idea was weak. I just wasn't into it. Strangely enough my wife, who doesn't like horror, said she was intrigued to watch week 2. It's possible that, like so many ABC shows, this appeals more to the ladies. That being said, Sunday nights are loaded. With Showtime airing "Dexter" and "Homeland," and HBO offering "Boardwalk Empire" and "Treme," and AMC preparing for week 2 of "The Walking Dead" on Oct. 14, there is TONS of competition. If "666 Park Avenue" doesn't pick it up, it will have a hard time capturing an audience. Oh, and by the way, Sunday nights in the fall still have football games too... I am speculative about this.
Pilot Grade: C-

Monday Nights:
Partners — 7:30 p.m. on CBS
This comedy was poor in its pilot and the second episode was even more groan-worthy. It's from the people responsible for "Will & Grace," and there are elements of that show in here, but this just doesn't come together. Worse, there is nothing compelling about the characters. When you combine that with the fact there doesn't seem to be a lot of comedy gold to mine here, I don't see this one lasting. It's ratings have been terrible to boot, and there is a reason for that.
Pilot Grade: D; Second Episode: F

Tuesday Nights:
Ben & Kate — 7:30 p.m. on FOX
This show was one of my pilot surprises. I didn't know what to make of it when reading about it, then I watched the pilot. It was fun, funny, and charming. Episode two was more of the same. The show hasn't captured a big audience, which has me concerned, but I feel like I am all in. This show was funny, I liked the performances, and I think it's a perfect match with "New Girl." This is probably the best new sitcom I've seen this new season.
Pilot Grade: A-; Second Episode: A-

The Mindy Project — 8:30 p.m. on FOX
I liked the pilot for this show and I like Mindy Kaling. That being said, I wasn't as down with the second episode. It was up and down for me. Now, granted, the same thing happened with "New Girl," and that show was great, so I am cautiously optimistic. I just worry that the schtick in this show will get old fast. Kaling is funny, and I like Chris Messina, but the comedy so far has been uneven. It's not bad, but the jury is still out.
Pilot Grade: A-; Second Episode: B-

Vegas — 9 p.m. on CBS
This is the best new show of the season by total ratings. That's hardly a surprise since its headlined by Dennis Quaid and airs on CBS, the top rated network by total viewers, following its successful "NCIS" shows. That being said, I wasn't hooked or sold. It's a well-made show with good acting, but it just didn't hook me. There is a lot of fun to be mined from this subject matter — the battle for control of Las Vegas in the 1960s — but this has too much of a CBS procedural sheen to it to really suck me in. It feels a lot like "Unforgettable" last year. It's well crafted but I just don't care if I see it.
Pilot Grade: C; Second Episode: C

Wednesday Nights:
The Neighbors — 7:30 p.m. on ABC
Ugh. This is a dumb concept and I wasn't wild about the pilot episode. Episode two was more of the same. If this is the kind of humor you like, enjoy! If you are looking for something new and clever, this just isn't it.
Pilot Grade: D; Second Episode: F

Chicago Fire — 9 p.m. on NBC
This show officially premiers on Oct. 10, but NBC released the pilot early for full viewing. I gave it a look and I wasn't overly impressed. This feels kind of familiar. The characters feel familiar, the stories feel familiar, and the situations feel familiar. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, I just don't know where this show goes from here. Additionally, the pilot had a number of accidents and big fire set pieces. In the pilot one firefighter is killed and another is in critical condition. Those kind of elaborate pieces are expensive, and constantly killing or nearly killing firefighters is unrealistic. That leads me to wonder what the rest of the series will be like. It can't keep up this same frenetic pace, which means we have to focus more on the characters. The action scenes worked well, the personal drama did not. Hence a curious problem to consider.
Pilot Grade: C

Thursday Nights:
Last Resort — 7 p.m. on ABC
This is easily the best new show of the season. The pilot was incredible, and episode two offered more of the same. I still don't know how it works long-term, and I imagine it is an expensive show to produce, but it is incredibly entertaining. I loved both episodes and I can't wait to see where it goes next. Andre Braugher is incredible in the lead role, and Scott Speedman is a nice dramatic foil. There is depth to the story possibilities and to the cast. This will be a fun show to watch evolve over the season. At least I hope it will be!
Pilot Grade: A; Second Episode: A

Elementary — 9 p.m. on CBS
This is a show that pulled off the rare trick of sucking me back in. I wasn't in love with the pilot, which I thought was boring. In addition, given the quality of "Sherlock" from the BBC, I thought "Elementary" was too one-note. But the second episode was better. I was more engaged in the plot, I thought the plot was more interesting, and the performances from Johnny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu were compelling. This felt more like "Sherlock," and I was intrigued. I think this might be a show worth sticking with, assuming they can keep the quality of the mystery and the dialogue where it was in episode two.
Pilot Grade: C; Second Episode: B


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