Star Wars: Episode VII, Minnie's Revenge?

There was a time when I watched nothing but "Star Wars" films — and by that, of course, I mean the real "Star Wars" films made in the 1970s and 1980s. As a boy, I would pull out all my G.I. Joe's and Star Wars action figures, put on the movies, and fight galactic wars.

While "Star Wars" is no longer my favorite — or only — cinematic choice, the films have always held a special place in my heart. It was with a mix of excitement and fear that I went to the prequels, with the final two somewhat making up for the horror of "Episode I" but never rising to the level of the original films.

After the prequels, George Lucas said he was done making "Star Wars" films, and it seemed like the truth. It also seemed right that the series would end with him. But while Lucas might be done making "Star Wars" films, the world isn't done with "Star Wars." That earth-shattering announcement came yesterday, as the Disney company purchased LucasFilm for more than $4 billion and promptly announced the release of "Star Wars: Episode VII" in 2015. That will be followed by Episodes VIII and IX in subsequent years. But it might not stop at that.

There is a part of me that yearns to know what happens after the events of "Return of the Jedi." But there's another part that thinks on the prequels, considers that a whole new team is at work on these next films, and wonders whether it's a good idea.

Doubtless we'll have two years to wonder which it is while the world waits for "Star Wars" to return to theaters again.


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