The Fall's First Cancellation

Today the first new show of the fall season was cancelled. Drum roll please.... and the winner is, "Made in Jersey," a lawyer show, of sorts, that aired on Friday nights on CBS. It got two episodes to impress and didn't.

I was preparing to review the pilot for the show in this week's roundup, which seems academic at this point. My pilot grade was a D. It's the kind of show that feels like an accident. The accent for the lead character and her family were too much, the stories were too cliche, and there was little to like here. It's hard to imagine it could have worked, or why CBS thought it was a good companion to two of its New York based crime dramas — "CSI: NY" and "Blue Bloods." It wasn't, it didn't, it's over.

I guess the only logical question is, did "Made in Jersey" deserve to be the first to go. No, it didn't. "The Mob Doctor," over on FOX, is equally horrible. It's now aired four episodes — FOUR! Hard to believe it is still on the air delivering paltry numbers that fall below what "Made in Jersey" gave CBS. The rumor is that FOX didn't want to be the first to cancel a show, which is a lame and expensive reason if true. But, based on the data, you kind of have to assume it might be.

"Made in Jersey," however, might not even be the worst show on CBS. That dubious distinction probably belongs to "Partners," an awkward stinker of a comedy that has now aired three low-rated episodes.

Whatever the reason, it's hard to defend "Made in Jersey" from a quality standpoint. It may be the first show gone in the 2012-13 season, but my guess is it won't be the last.


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