The First Snow

(Our first snowball!)

In early October, the weather dropped and we were warned of snow flurries. Having lived in California all my life, this was about to be a momentous occasion for me. It was coming on Friday night/Saturday morning, so I was set to stay in and watch the snow.

It didn't really materialize. So, this week, when there were rumors of snow fall, I didn't know what to think. I fretted, I considered, and I wondered. As the weather slipped from 70 to 60 to 50 to 40 to 30 (real feel 22) yesterday in the afternoon, I knew something was brewing.

In the afternoon, I walked across the street to the graphics department to check in. By the time I was set to walk back, the air was full of white buzzing around and turning into puddles when it hit the ground. Flurries again, this time for real.

After a quiet few hours once I headed home, I began to think the snow had bypassed our area. Then, as we set to go to be, I checked outside and saw a fine coat of white on the ground. Excited, I dashed outside — wearing shorts, a sweatshirt, and no shoes — to take some pictures. My wife followed suit, dashing to the screen door for pictures wearing a nightgown, no pants, and now shoes. Apparently we were not only extremely excited about what is a pedestrian occurrence in these parts, we didn't have the good sense to dress appropriately. This just in, snow is cold.

After firing off cell phone pics to the family and making my first snowball (pictured above) from the fine powder on our balcony, it was off to bed.

Reality set in this morning, when in the cold dark of the morning, I had to scrape snow off all the windows of the car. I'm starting to feel my hands again, which is a good reminder I need gloves... Just one more thing to think about in this strange new world I find myself living in.


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