Irish Fighting Again

Ara Parseghian: Rudy the NCAA is really strict with this 60 player rule, and in some positions we only have one backup and you know that every year we are competing for the national championship. Is this wish just for your father?
Rudy: No its for everyone who told me that being a Norte Dame Football player would be impossible. My brothers, the guys I work with at the mill they can't come to practice and see that I am a part of this team. — "Rudy" (1993)

College football is better when Notre Dame is a force to be reckoned with. It just is. Notre Dame is one of the most revered programs in college football history, but over the last two decades it hasn't always felt like it.

The Fighting Irish have been a national after thought. When "Rudy" came out in 1993, celebrating a young man who's life aspiration was to get on the field in the Notre Dame uniform, it made sense. Notre Dame has won 11 National Titles and boasts seven Heisman Trophy winners. But the last of those titles was in 1988, and the last of those Heisman winners was Tim Brown in 1987.

Notre Dame still sends plenty of players to the pros — ones that fare better than Brady Quinn, the last serious Heisman contender for the Irish. But for a long time, the school has coasted on its historic reputation rather than what's happened on the field.

Which is what makes this year's squad so exciting. The team is 10-0 and ranked third. Notre Dame sits behind Kansas State and Oregon, right now frustratingly on the outside looking in for the National Title game. That is where this inspiring, heart-warming story takes a bit of a dive.

If nothing changes, the best season for Notre Dame in the last 20 years will end up being good enough to play in a BCS Bowl, but not good enough to play for a title. That's a disappointment consider what Notre Dame means to the college football landscape.

Oregon and Kansas State have strong teams and have had fine years, but seeing them play for a title game won't generate as much interest from casual fans as seeing Notre Dame go for its first title in 25 years.


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