Rough hand for the Kingslayer

"There’s a beast in every man, and it stirs when you put a sword in his hand." - Jorah Mormont, "Game of Thrones"

For most of the run of the series, the legend of Jamie Lannister has been just that — a legend. Sure, he had a quick sword fight with Ned Stark in season one, but he spent season two in chains and it hasn't gotten much better in season three.

After Sunday night's episode, it's clear it's not going to get better for the mighty Kingslayer.

One of the things I've found interesting in "The Walking Dead" is what happens in the world of that show to people who try to show compassion or think beyond themselves. Usually it's nothing good. I've had my suspicions about why, and I won't go into that here. What I will say is that I've noticed a similar thread developing in "Game of Thrones."

The world of "Game of Thrones" is a hard one, and not just because the Seven Kingdoms are at war. People are violent, something reflected by the quote to start this post. I think that quote, which came early in Sunday's episode, was meant to reinforce the idea of this savage world and serve as a warning. Apparently the Kingslayer didn't get that memo.

Jamie Lannister has had an interested character transformation. He seemed cruel and self-absorbed at the outset, but now he just seems to be aware of his failings — both politically and morally — and has resigned himself to doling out truth. But he's still been a character that seemed to look out for his own self-interests.

During Sunday's episode that changed. Seeing an injustice about to be done to Brienne, someone he's come to respect, he interceded. While he sparred her harm, his efforts backfired. In putting himself out for someone else, he put himself at risk.

Without the shield of his family's name and money to stand behind, Jamie was revealed as weak and helpless in a violent and cruel world. That became ever the more clear as the sword swung down and his mighty right hand came off at the episode's close.

What will be interesting to see is how this savage response affects Jamie moving forward.


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