Summer TV Premiers

As we've entered summer, networks are foisting new shows upon us. I'm here watching a lot of them so you don't have to. Your welcome :)

The Goodwin Games, Mondays at 8:30 p.m. on FOX
About: It's somewhat hard to judge a sitcom on its pilot. You can get a feel for the tone and characters, but it's all about establishing a world. Some pilots that aren't great produce great shows. Some pilots that are great produce lousy shows. You really learn more about what a comedy is going to be from its second episode. That's probably true of "The Goodwin Games." I wasn't blown away by the pilot. I could see why FOX soured on the show and why it made its way to summer. In looking at the second episode, I saw more of what it could offer. The leads — Becki Newton and Scott Foley — are amusing and good in these roles. There are some chuckles and the show has some potential. It comes from the team behind "How I Met Your Mother," but it's not on that level. I don't think the show will ever be a hit, and I think FOX was probably wise to cut the order to seven episodes, dump the show during the summer, and cut its losses. But that being said, it's summer and there isn't much on. This show isn't great, but it's mildly amusing. That's not high praise, but that's about all the praise there is for "The Goodwin Games."
Pilot Grade: C-
Second Episode: C


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