Upcoming Releases — June

We're into the heart of the Summer season now, which means predominantly action films, comedies, and lighter fare for the kiddos. Here's a look at what's coming. Enjoy!

Friday, June 7:
The Internship — In 2005, Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn had the comedy of the summer with "Wedding Crashers." Neither has done anything big since. Obviously they're trying to recapture some of that glory with this film. It looks like it could be mildly amusing... or a giant waste of time. Either way, you're probably going to see it if you liked "Wedding Crashers."

The Purge — This strange futuristic horror film was originally slatted for a May 31 release, but when "After Earth" moved up a week, this Ethan Hawke film slid back a week. I don't know what's more disconcerting — the plot for this film or the fact I could see our country going this route. I guess both. Needless to say, the creep factor will be high with this film.

Much Ado About Nothing (Limited) — Sure, this will come out in a few theaters on June 7 then leak out slowly throughout the summer. And, sure, it's not your typical summer fare. But it's Shakespeare done by Joss Whedon. Need I say more?

Wednesday, June 12:
This Is The End — It is a wise move to open this comedy — featuring several actors such as Seth Rogen, James Franco, and Danny McBride playing versions of themselves — a couple days before Superman. It ensures people can get a mid-week comedy boost and whet their cinematic appetite before the main course. It also looks hilarious.

Friday, June 14:
Man of Steel — I can't wait for this film. I loved Bryan Singer's "Superman Returns," but I'm always up for a good superhero story. Christopher Nolan, who serves as a producer here, did a great job rebooting Batman. Here's hoping he and director Zach Snyder do the same for Superman. The trailers for this film look great.

The Bling Ring (Limited) — This is the latest from Sophia Coppola, and it features Emma Watson in a lead role. The trailer looks awesome, and I think this will be a most sophisticated release for the summer. When Coppola is on, her films are great. This one looks pretty good.

Friday, June 21:
World War Z — Zombies are in right now, so it seems like a good time for this summer blockbuster. Brad Pitt is a durable leading man, and there is plenty of evidence to suggest this is a good summer blockbuster idea. Still, something about the trailers lacks pizazz. I don't know what to think here.

Monster's University — I haven't been the biggest fan of all the Pixar films. I saw "Monster's, Inc." and I thought it was OK, but I'm not sure it needed a sequel. Apparently others disagree, so we're getting one. I'm sure it will be lovely.

Friday, June 28:
White House Down — This is the second film of the year about the White House being attacked. This one comes from Roland Emmerich — who destroyed the world in "2012," "The Day After Tomorrow," and "Independence Day" — and features Jamie Foxx and Channing Tatum. The trailer looks great, so I'm pumped.

The Heat — This is my pick for the best comedy of the summer. Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy look to be an awesome team, and the trailers for this film have been great. It comes from the director of "Bridesmaids," so look for a little Rated-R good time to cap the month.


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