The Black Forest Fire

A week ago, in the midst of the hottest day we've had since I moved here, there was the smell of smoke on the air. As we retreated to our offices, most of us learned there was a fire in Black Forest.

Those that haven't been to the area can't appreciate what Black Forest is like. It's a beautiful, wooded area with plenty of tucked away homes. As the plum of smoke rose in the north east on Tuesday afternoon, most couldn't help but wonder what the extent of the damage would be in the area.

A week later, we know that 502 homes have been lost, 17 have been partially damaged, and the fire is no 85 percent contained. The containment news is welcome, leaving the town hopeful this fire has come to an end. But the damage it has wrought is an ever-present reminder of how fragile our lives are.

Having driven through Black Forest at the beginning of May, it's hard for me to imagine what the landscape must look like now. It's also hard to imagine what those 502 families are enduring right now, having lost their home and most of their possessions.

The most destructive fire in state history is nearly under control, but the threat of fire lingers. It's going to be a long summer, and a long process of recovery. As always, continued prayers for Black Forest and for our city.


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