The End Begins

"This is what it must feel like to walk in full sunlight, my darkness revealed, my shadow self embraced. Yeah, they see me. I'm one of them... In their darkest dreams." — Dexter Morgan, "Dexter"

On paper, a show where the protagonist is a serial killer is a tough sell. How do you get the audience to invest in someone who kills others, violently, in his spare time. The answer to that question for the past eight years has been "Dexter," a Showtime drama that has changed a lot of conceptions about having a serial killer as a protagonist and what a typical plot line can be.

When "Dexter" premiered, I was skeptical. I couldn't imagine watching a show where the central character was a killer. The premise was too dark and the idea too grotesque.

Somewhere during the fourth season, I caught an episode on Showtime. It wasn't what I expected. There was a social, emotional and, yes, moral depth to the show I hadn't expected. I quickly snatched the DVDs to catch up to the present, and I've been watching the series ever since. While I wouldn't say it aligns with my worldview, I have been fascinated by Dexter's journey. The way he's grappled with social issues, relationship issues, moral issues and religion has been fascinating. And I've been curious to see where this show goes from here.

Similarly fascinating is the influence Dexter has had — intentionally and unintentionally — on his sister, Debra. Once a committed cop who saw the world, and justice in particular, in black and white. Now she has been drawn to live in shades of dark grey, and it's taken a toll on her.

All good things must come to an end. For shows, the trick is to go out on a high note. You want to bring the ship in for a landing before you run our of compelling stories to tell. "Dexter" has had its up and downs, but now that it's heading for the finish line — with the eighth season that kicks off Sunday night being its final — it's time to see how that journey comes to a conclusion.

Guessing has begun as to how it will all end. It's hard to know how it should end. What is the right outcome for Dexter? Does he have to die? Should he get away with it all? What is justice?

I don't know the answers to those questions, but I'm curious to see how it all plays out.


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