The Greatest GO Project

"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." — Matthew 28:19.

It was Jesus' last command to His followers, and it's the most important commandment we've been given. It's the core of the mission of the church. But how do we live that out.

At the time, Jesus gave that command to his 11 remaining disciples. From there, it spread like wildfire. Now there are millions of disciples that are living out that calling. But sometimes it doesn't come across all that well.

The question is how we can live this mission out. It's the challenge for all believers. We have to GO and make disciples of all nations, and we have to do it in love. That hasn't always been the case with the modern church, but hopefully we can work back to that place.


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