Guilty Pleasure Drama — Lady in White

Today we continue our guilty pleasure series with a drama entry that just might creep you out.

Lady in White (1988)
Starring: Lukas Haas, Len Cariou, and Alex Rocco
About: When I was a kid, I was pretty cocky about what I could watch. I told my mom nothing scared me. She went on a hunt to disprove that hypothesis. One of her choices was "Lady in White," a ghost story set in 1962, that succeeded in creeping me out. In fact, it's a film that features a sweet little period tune that becomes a part of the reveal of the killer. That stuck out to me so much that, years later, while watching "The Green Mile" in the theater, when Tom Hanks' character plays the same song during a romantic dance with his wife, I clenched in fear. Watching the film now, as an adult, it doesn't elicit the same reaction. Still, it's a fascinating little independent film and ghost story. If you enjoy those sorts of things, this would be one to check out. It was a movie that never developed an incredible following, but it's pretty entertaining.
Rating: PG-13


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