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Here's a look at the new movies I saw this week.

Clear History
Starring: Larry David, Jon Hamm, Kate Hudson, Michael Keaton, Bill Hader, Danny McBride, and Amy Ryan
Synopsis: This is the latest TV movie from HBO. Larry David has been at home at HBO for nearly a decade, bringing his loveable curmudgeon alter-ego to life on "Curb Your Enthusiasm." It's rumored the show will be back for another season, but it's been off the air for more than a year. "Clear History," a one-off movie about a curmudgeon who gets fired from a company right before his shares would net him a billion dollars will appeal to "Curb" fans. In fact, it would be fair to say the film feels very much like an extended episode of "Curb Your Enthusiasm." David is playing a different character, but the mannerisms, ideas, and the way it's constructed is all familiar. This time he's surrounded by a great cast — including Hamm, McBride, and a very colorful character from Keaton. David is great in the part, and the movie has a lot of "Curb" like jokes and appeal. Hamm delivers a strong performance, McBride is hilarious as David's side kick and the rest of the cast seems to be having fun as well. There isn't anything groundbreaking here, but "Clear History" is a fun, amusing film that fills the hole left by "Curb Your Enthusiasm's" absence.
Rating: TV MA
Verdict: Three stars out of four.

We're The Millers
Starring: Jason Sudekis, Jennifer Aniston, Emma Roberts, Will Poulter, Ed Helms, Nick Offerman, and Kathryn Hahn
Synopsis: It’s the end of summer, which means a mixed bag of offerings. But every once in a while you find a diamond in the rough. And every summer there is a comedy that sort of sneaks up on people and becomes a break out hit. For the summer of 2013, that might well be “We’re The Millers.” Heading into the summer season, the film wasn’t high on the radar. There wasn’t much information released about it and, during a season featuring high profile comedies from Sandra Bullock, Adam Sandler, a “Hangover” sequel and the re-teaming of Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson, it was reasonable to assume this could get lost in the shuffle. But perhaps “We’re The Millers” was the just the right movie at just the right time. Coming on the heels of blockbuster burn out, it’s a little comedy that hits the right notes, has some strong performances and offers a bit of late summer escape. Anyone who has seen the trailer for “We’re The Millers” has a feel for the basic plot and has seen some of the big laugh moments from the film. There aren’t a lot of surprises here, but that’s the point. This is a simple story, told well and played up for laughs. And it works. Sudekis does a good job in the lead role, and works well with Aniston. Roberts also does a nice job in her role. One of the break-out stars of the film is Poulter, who has some of the funniest scenes. He projects great innocence and really makes a lot of the wilder moments of the film work. “We’re The Millers” also has some great supporting performances. Along the road, the Miller clan crosses paths with another family — led by Nick Offerman and Kathryn Hahn. Both are hilarious in their roles, providing some of the more amusing moments of the back half of the film. But perhaps what sets “We’re The Millers” apart is its heart. The film has all the hallmarks of a hard R romp, but it’s really about four lonely people finding a connection where they never expected it. Director Rawson Marshall Thurber, the man behind “Dodgeball,” does a nice job of pacing the comedy and action. “We’re The Millers” is a film that moves along at a good pace and keeps the audience hooked and laughing. It’s a summer road trip worth taking.
Rating: R for crude sexual content, pervasive language, drug material and brief graphic nudity. Enter with caution.
Verdict: Four stars out of four.

Upcoming Releases:
Friday, August 16 — "The Butler," "Paranoia," "Jobs," "Kick-Ass 2"
Friday, August 23 — "The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones," "The World's End," "You're Next," "Grandmaster"
Wednesday, August 28 — "Closed Circuit"
Friday, August 30 — "Getaway," "One Direction: This Is Us," "Random"


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