The End In Sight

"Dexter" has just four more episodes until it bows out for good. Since the beginning of the season, the question has been how the show will end. I think there are two schools of thought on this.

First surrounds the idea that Dexter Morgan (Michael C. Hall) isn't a great guy. He's a serial killer. Sure, he's the protagonist of the series, but he's still a serial killer. The show has long walked the tight rope with Dexter, and it would make sense for him to be caught. For as noble as they've tried to paint his mission, what he's doing is still wrong. It's illegal. It's immoral. It's unconscionable. So it would make sense for him to face punishment for it.

The second theory surrounds the fact this is a TV show and, for the most part, people like to see things end well for the protagonist. We've invested eight seasons in Dexter, Deb (Jennifer Carpenter), and his son, Harrison. It's hard not to hope he gets his happy ending.

So the question is how the producers feel. On Sunday, it seemed like they were leaning toward that happy ending. Dexter had a protege, he's made peace with his sister, and Hannah (Yvonne Strahovski) has returned to bring love to his life. But this being "Dexter," nothing goes that smoothly. By the end of the episode it was clear Hannah was still a target, Dexter's protege was dead, and his life was about to become more complicated.

There are four episodes left to see how it all ends. I'm not sure which way it will go, and worse yet I'm not sure how I think it should end. But we'll find out the answers soon enough.


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