Upcoming Releases — September

Here's a look at the new movies coming to a theater near you in September.

Friday, September 6:
Riddick — It's been a while since Vin Diesel suited up as Riddick. My guess is that there aren't many people that have fond memories of "The Chronicles of Riddick," but this installment looks like more of a return to "Pitch Black." That was a weird, edgy film that worked. If they can recapture that here, this might be a cool film. And Diesel has been hot lately since the resurgence of the "Fast & Furious" series.

Friday, September 13:
Insidious, Chapter 2 — Full disclosure, I never saw "Insidious." While I applaud the idea that horror movies are moving away from cutting young women to ribbons and focusing on people being haunted by ghosts, I still can't make myself care about this movie. Maybe I'll RedBox the first one and change my mind... But this seems fitting for a Friday the 13th release date.

The Family — This is a mob action comedy from the producer of "Taken" and starring Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Diana Argon from "Glee." It could be funny. The trailer is mildly amusing. That's all the excitement I can work up for this.

Friday, September 20:
Rush — This looks like the class of the September releases. Director Ron Howard tells a fascinating true life story of a pair of Formula One drivers in the late 1970s. A couple challenges here: first, period pieces are rough to pull off, especially with that 1970s fashion. Second, Formula One is not popular in the United States. That being said, I loved the trailer and I am all in on this.

Battle of the Year — For those clamoring for a great dance movie — a street dance movie no less — you're welcome.

Prisoners — I am torn on this film. It has a great cast and a potentially powerful story. Hard to know about this film, though. It feels like an award-worthy film, but it's being released in September. I am torn about it, but I think it could be good.

Friday, September 27:
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2 — Finally, near the end of the month, we get a family-friendly release. It could just be me, but it doesn't seem like there's been that many kids' movies this year. No doubt this one will draw a crowd.

Baggage Claim — An interesting comedy. It's about a woman, who is a flight attendant, who is looking to find Mr. Right before her sister gets married. So she begins using her position to re-connect with former flames looking for the one. This feels like a mismash of a lot of previous concepts.

Don Jon — This is the debut film from director Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and he also stars in the title role. It's got a great cast — including Scarlett Johansson, Tony Danza, and Julianne Moore — and it looks like it might be really funny. I am legitimately excited about the film.


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