The Year's Best (So Far)

As we wind up October, great releases are making their way out to the masses. Soon, after the slew of Oscar bait films that get released in November, December, and January, we will forget about the first 10 months of the year. But before that happens, I thought I'd offer a list of the Best Films of the Year to this point.

Still in Theaters:
* Gravity (Opened October 4) — This is a fascinating and fantastic film. Most of the time the Academy Award for special effects goes to a Summer blockbuster. Not this time. "Gravity" has the most amazing effects of any film this year, and it's also one of the most riveting. Director Alfonso Cuaron does a great job telling the story, and the performances from George Clooney and Sandra Bullock are amazing. There is a reason this has been at the top of the Box Office for three straight weekends.

* Captain Phillips (Opened October 11) — Another intense but well made thriller. Director Paul Greengrass does a great job telling this true life story. There is a lot of depth to this movie, which is well-made. Perhaps the highlight of the film is the excellent performance from Tom Hanks, which is sure to get an Award nomination.

* Rush (Opened September 27) — This is billed as a racing movie, and it is, but it's also a beautiful story of two men who were competitors on the track but had great respect for each other. It has incredible driving sequences, great performances, and is a beautifully told story by director Ron Howard.

* We're The Millers (Opened August 7) — Every Sunday there is a comedy that sort of comes out of no where to be the best comedy of the year. "We're The Millers" wasn't high on the radar heading into the summer, but it turned out to be one of the most pleasant surprises. Jason Sudekis and Jennifer Aniston are great, the cast is deep, and the movie is just funny. It's an adult comedy, but it's fun if that's your kind of movie.

Now on Video:
* Star Trek Into Darkness — This was the best of the big summer blockbusters. A follow up to J.J. Abrams rebooted "Star Trek," this was a strong sequel. It had good performances and a fun story that linked to the past of "Star Trek." There has been some backlash, with some fans saying this is the worst of the "Star Trek" series, but I thought it was good.

* 42 — This biopic of Jackie Robinson was one of the few gems in the spring. It was a well told biopic and a well-made movie. It has since been forgotten, but it was one of the bright spots of the first third of the year.

* World War Z — I was skeptical of this film heading into the summer. Everything about it — from the trailer to the stories of a troubled production — screamed bomb. But what we got was something fascinating. Brad Pitt does a great job in the lead role, and this is movie that works in ways you wouldn't expect.

Out in Limbo:
* Fruitvale Station — This was a film that packed an emotional wallop. It came and went from theaters during the summer and isn't on video yet, but this is worth checking out. It's an incredible movie that makes you think and features an incredible performance from Michael B. Jordan in the lead role.

* The Way Way Back — This was a simple coming of age story and comedy. I loved the cast, I loved the writing, and I loved what the movie offered. It's an indie darling that came and went during the summer, but the kind of perfect quirky movie that's worth checking out.


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