Best of 2013: TV Shows

Today I begin my top 10 lists for 2013 with the top 10 TV Shows of the year. This is my favorite 10 shows (in their correct/current season) this year. Next I'll have my 10 favorite individual episodes, and tomorrow I'll tackle my favorite and least favorite films.

Here they are in ascending order:

10. The Bridge, F/X — This was a fascinating series, adapted from a Denmark series of the same name, took a hard look at the relations between El Paso, Texas and Mexico. It had a central crime story, and that was OK, but it was the exploration of the characters that was more fascinating. This series was somewhat uneven, but the beginning and the end made up for it. This was a great year for F/X drama, but "The Bridge" narrowly beats "The Americans" for me as the best new series on F/X. I loved the performances from Diane Kruger and Demian Bichir, and I can't wait to see where it goes in season 2.

9. Master's of Sex, Showtime — This was the best dramatic series on Showtime, a network in need of some new blood. "Dexter" ended on a sour note, "Homeland" continues to slide, and "Ray Donovan" was a disaster. But this series, built upon the historical research of Dr. William Masters and Virginia Johnson, was bolstered by great performances from Michael Sheen and Lizzy Caplan. A lot was made of the subject matter of this show, but it's the performances and story that make it great.

8. Downton Abbey, PBS — The third season had highs and lows. Matthew and Mary were finally married, but death came to Downton as well. This is a reliably excellent series with great performances and a compelling story. I've seen the fourth season already, and the quality only continues.

7. Justified, F/X — Some weren't wild about this season, which felt a bit more understated. But I loved the performances and the way the story varied from the formulas of previous seasons. As always, Timothy Olyphant and Walton Goggins were great. This is just a fun, fascinating series.

6. The Mindy Project, FOX — This was the best new comedy and best new show of last fall. But the show really started to come into its own and find its way last Spring, as the cast, crew, characters, and story started to really come together well. It's a show that makes me laugh.

5. New Girl, FOX — Some weren't wild about how the second season came together last Spring. Some critics went so far as to put it on the worst show of the year list. I don't see that. I loved the second season of "New Girl." I loved what they did with Nick and Jess, and I still think it's the funniest 30 minutes on Network TV. This remains one of the best shows on TV.

4. VEEP, HBO — "VEEP" doesn't get a ton of acclaim, but it's quietly become my favorite comedy on TV. It had a marvelous second season last Spring, and I can't wait to see where it goes from here. There are great performances, ridiculous stories, and lots of laughs to be had. Critics may adore "Girls," but I think "VEEP" is the best comedy on HBO.

3. House of Cards, Netflix — This is a dark series that is sometimes hard to watch, nevertheless it was a compelling show to watch. Kevin Spacey is great in the lead role, and this show has a deep bench. I was a big fan of what Beau Willimon did with "Ides of March," and he brings the same dark intensity to a political story here. This was an incredible 13 episodes that also ushers in a new way to watch shows — original series not on traditional TV. The second season debuts in February, and is a can't miss for 2014.

2. Broadchurch, BBC America — Another British series, and another incredible show. While American network shows have slipped (there are only two on this list) cable and foreign shows are on the rise. "Broadchurch" has a lot of elements that will be familiar to those who like crime series, but you've never seen it done like this. This was an incredibly gripping mystery, and had incredibly gripping drama. Olivia Coleman and David Tennant are incredible in the lead roles. The finale is an incredible gut punch you will not soon forget. FOX is re-making this series for America, but do yourself a favor and watch the original.

1. Game of Thrones, HBO —  I came to the first season of "Game of Thrones" out of fascination and was blown away by the characters, story, and performances. And the show just keeps getting better. Few shows are as daring as "Game of Thrones," which is a credit to the source material and the way producers remain faithful to that story. This is the best show on HBO and the best show on TV. It is an incredibly compelling watch and the highlight of each Spring.


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