Winter TV Roundup, Week 3

Here's a look at the new premiers this winter. It's slim pickings if you like quality shows, so far.

Tuesday Nights:
Killer Women, Tuesdays at 10 p.m. on ABC
About: This is a limited run series, so ABC was hoping to catch lightening in a bottle. But for the second time this winter, they found no audience. Part of the reason is that this show is pretty awful. There's just not much to like here. I'm not sure who the target audience is, but this show makes me long for "Lucky 7." It will get more than two episodes, but not many more. ABC has already announced they're pulling the show — which was only supposed to run for eight episodes — early. Better luck to "Mind Games."
Pilot Grade: D
Second Episode: D

Wednesday Nights:
Chicago PD, Wednesdays at 10 p.m. on NBC
About: This episode was slightly better. But I still am not sure about it. There is probably a built-in audience for this show from people that watch "Chicago Fire" and "Law & Order: SVU," but there isn't a lot compelling here. The second episode was, essentially, a continuation of the set up in the first episode. There are some quality actors and performances, but there is little that stands out about this show. It seems like another on-the-edge cop show that mistakes grit for depth.
Pilot Grade: C
Second Episode: C

Thursday Nights:
The Spoils of Babylon, Thursdays at 10 p.m. on IFC
About: This limited run mini-series is a send up of classic mini-series' of the 1970s and 1980s. It comes from Will Ferrell, who makes an appearance at the beginning and end of each episode, and it has a fantastic cast. There are moments that I find amusing, but this just isn't as fun or funny as it should be. It a lot of ways, it feels like a "Saturday Night Live" sketch that's run on for too long. In fact, this second week's episode was way too weird. It's a good idea, but it just doesn't work for me.
Pilot Grade: C
Second Episode: C-

Friday Nights:
Enlisted, Fridays at 9:30 p.m. on FOX
About: You know that a network doesn't have a lot of faith in a show when it debuts unceremoniously on Friday nights in January. And watching this show you can see why. There are some good performers here, and there is some stuff that kind of works, but overall this show is a dud. The humor isn't consistent, and I'm not sure what tone they're going for here. It seems like there's potential, but it just doesn't come together.
Pilot Grade: C-
Second Episode: D

Helix, Fridays at 10 p.m. on SyFy
About: This show has a great premise — a viral outbreak at a secret research station in the arctic. I thought the first half of the first episode worked, but it's slowly gone downhill from there. I want to like this show, and I think it has an interesting premise, but it just doesn't quite work. The performances are uneven and the second airing felt like it was spinning its wheels. I don't know what it's trying to accomplish, which is a bad sign. I applaud the idea, but the execution doesn't work for me here.
Pilot Grade: C+
Second Episode: C-

Sunday Nights:
True Detective, Sundays at 9 p.m. on HBO
About: This show hasn't turned out as great as I had hoped prior to its debut. That being said, I think it's the best new show released this winter. The cast is great, and there is enough here to keep me interested. I want to see where this is going, and the fact it's only an eight episode commitment helps. I think the acting is solid, and the second episode did what needed to be done to build intrigue about where the show is going. It's not great, but it's a solid, slow burn so far.
Pilot Grade: C+
Second Episode: C


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