Winter TV Roundup, Week 4

New shows this winter have wound down, and most of the new entries have been cancelled or will be cancelled. With the Winter Olympics kicking off next week, most networks are now hibernating. I'll be back with the new shows for Spring beginning in late February.

Thursday Nights:
Rake, Thursdays at 9 p.m. on FOX
About: This was one of the touted shows during the Network presentations last May. In the time between now and then, FOX clearly thought better of it. In fact, the official premier of "Rake" was what was supposed to be the show's fourth episode. That's not a good sign, and this isn't a good show. As affable as Greg Kinnear can be, his character is totally unlikeable. Why do I need to tune in each week to root for a gambler, cheat, and sex addict who doesn't think much of ruining the lives of those around him. He trades on his friend's good graces, he lets his family down, and he doesn't seem to worry about any of it. Not to mention, there wasn't a lot compelling about the case. But that's fitting, because there wasn't much compelling about the show. Despite heavy promotion and premiering behind "American Idol," "Rake's" premier barely moved the ratings needle. Meaning this show is likely the latest winter premier to not be long for this (TV) world.
Pilot Grade: C-

Saturday Nights:
Black Sails, Saturdays at 10 p.m. on STARZ
About: This is a pirate drama, on a pay cable network, from producer Michael Bay. If you're like me, you're thinking this sounds promising. Then I watched the pilot and all that promise was forgotten. I am not sure what the point of the show is, other than revisionist history from the standpoint that all these pirates in the 1700s look well groomed and have white teeth. But if you're watching a show thinking about the people's teeth looking too nice, that's not a great sign. Then, because it's STARZ and they desperately need a hook, people start having sex. That not only didn't seem germane to the plot, it was boring. Also not a good sign. I didn't connect with anything in the pilot, so I'm not sad I won't be getting this whole series. If you like pirates, nudity, and aren't concerned about story, you should subscribe so you can see the rest of how this plays out.
Pilot Grade: D

Klondike, aired the week of January 20 on Discovery
About: It seems like this series, based on a true story of a young man who sought his fortune in the Klondike during the gold rush at the turn of the century, was originally intended as a six-episode limited series. Instead, Discovery ran it as two hour chunks on three consecutive nights. If you missed it, hopefully you'll have a chance to catch up. I have watched the first two-thirds of the program, and I have to say it's enjoyable. Richard Madden, late of "Game of Thrones," plays the lead role and he really works in that position. The show captures the danger, difficulty, and occasional hopelessness of the life. It's the kind of limited series/ mini-series that has a good hook, is easy to follow, and provides a little something different. Abbie Cornish, Sam Shepherd, and Tim Roth all co-star as well. In a winter that has provided precious little to get excited about in the way of new shows, this was one of the better options.
Grade: B


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