Best Picture Nominees -- American Hustle

Today I continue my look at the Best Picture Nominees with "American Hustle." From this point we will be looking at the three films that I think have the best chance to win Best Picture.

Movie: American Hustle
Nominations: 10
Nominated For: Best Picture, Best Actor (Christian Bale), Best Actress (Amy Adams), Best Supporting Actor (Bradley Cooper), Best Supporting Actress (Jennifer Lawrence), Best Director (David O. Russell), Best Original Screenplay (Eric Warren Singer, Russell), Best Film Editing, Best Production Design, and Best Costume Design
About: Since December, "American Hustle" has created a buzz. For the second year in a row, all four principle actors in Russell's film have earned Academy Award nominations. Russell earned a nomination for writing and directing, and the film has gotten 10 nominations in all. In many of the categories, the nominees here are in the mix. I think "American Hustle" is third in the Best Picture race, but still has a shot at winning. I think the best chances of winning acting awards are in the Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress race. Neither Adams or Lawrence is the front-runner, but both won Golden Globes and have a chance here. Adams is dueling it out with Cate Blanchett, who is still the front-runner, but might be buoyed by both the love of "American Hustle" and the controversies surrounding Woody Allen, who directed Blanchett in "Blue Jasmine." Lawrence won the Golden Globe, but Lupita Nyoug'o has been a more steady winner for "12 Years A Slave." I could see either lady winning. I think Bale and Cooper are longshots at best. So, too, is Russell in the directing category. I think Alfonso Cuaron will win that category for "Gravity." I think the best shots at awards for "American Hustle" come in the screenplay category, where they are in a battle with Spike Jonze for "Her," and in the Best Costume Category, for the 1970s outfits and hairstyles that add color to the film. I believe that "American Hustle" will win at least one award, it's just hard to guess where exactly that will come.
Verdict: Four stars out of four.
"American Hustle" is now playing in theaters nationwide.


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