Best Pictures Nominees — Nebraska

Today I continue my look at the Best Picture nominees with Alexander Payne's "Nebraska."

Movie: Nebraska
Nomination: 6
Nominated For: Best Pictures, Best Actor (Bruce Dern), Best Supporting Actress (June Squibb), Best Director (Alexander Payne), Best Original Screenplay (Bob Nelson), Best Cinematography (Phedon Papamichael)
About: "Nebraska" is a fascinating film. Some have argued that without the nuance provided by Payne as a director, or if the film was directed by someone else, it wouldn't be in the talk for Best Picture. That might be true, but that's also the way it works with great directors like Payne. He chose to shoot the film in Black and White, he gives it a great pace, and he gets great performances. But like so many films in this year's race, it could be a good movie that wins no awards. There isn't a single category it's nominated for that I would give "Nebraska" the edge. I think it's a long-shot for Best Picture, and Payne is a long-shot to earn an award as Best Director. Cinematography is possible, but I think there are other options. Dern is an Academy darling, but it still feels like Matthew McConaughey is the front-runner. Nelson is also probably a long-shot given the films he's nominated against. Finally, I think Squibb might have the best chance to bring an award home. Jennifer Lawrence is a strong factor, as is Lupita Nyong'o, but I could see Squibb sneaking in here. Whether it wins any awards or not, it remains another delightfully charming and quirky film from Payne.
Verdict: Four stars out of four
"Nebraska" is still playing in select theaters nationwide.


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