Give Thanks

"Give thanks with a grateful heart; give thanks to the Holy One; Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son." -- "Give Thanks," Don Moen

As a Sunday School class, we're looking at the book "Respectable Sins." The first few chapters kind of outlined the premise, but these past two weeks we've jumped into specific sins. Last week it was the idea of Ungodliness, which basically happens whenever we separate -- or try to separate, our lives from God and His holy, perfect, and pleasing will.

This week presented another challenge, this time considering Thankfulness, or rather our lack of thankfulness. The chapter began with the story of Jesus healing the 10 Lepers, of whom only one returned to thank Jesus for His healing. Jesus wondered aloud where the other nine had gone.

The author noted that many of us are critical of the nine for their lack of thanks, but we do the same thing in our daily lives. We haven't been healed of Leprosy, but we have been given many blessings by God, as well as the gift of eternal life. We see depictions of Heaven where the angels spend all day praising God's name. We should do likewise, but we don't.

During a week like we just had, it's easy to see our blessings. As the temperatures dropped below zero, it was hard not to think of those who were left out in the cold, and reflect on all God had given us in terms of blessings. I have heat. I have a jacket. I have warm food. I have a job. I have a house. I am blessed beyond measure and worth. But how often do I stop and say "Thank You God?" Not often enough.

I am not abnormal in this, I suspect, but that's no excuse. We have been given much, and to whom much is given, much is expected. That should begin with praise and thanksgiving.


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