On The Bubble, Pt. 2

We are nearing that magical time when networks make decisions on shows that will continue, pick new shows, and put out a projected fall schedule. If you are a TV nerd, as I am, this is a joyous week.

In the first Bubble post, I offered a bubble show from each of the four major networks that deserves to be spared and given another shot. In this post, I'll look at one from each network on the bubble that shouldn't see new life in September.

Resurrection, Sundays at 9 p.m.
Why: This might seem like a surprising call. There are worse shows on ABC — and my guess is all of them will bite the dust. This show has been one of the better ratings successes for ABC in the spring, and still wins its timeslot. So why should it go? I don't see this working long-term. This show started with a flourish and has declined since premiering. And that's in the spring. Would this hold up in the fall against "The Walking Dead," "Homeland" and the NFL? I don't think so. Plus, creatively, where does this show have to go? ABC might keep it there simply because nothing does well in that slot in the fall, but I think it could help sink an already sagging Sunday night lineup.

The Mentalist, Sundays at 10 p.m.
Why: This show has run its course. Red John has been caught, and a change of cast and format has done little to pick up the sag on this show. Six seasons is a long run for a show, and this one isn't getting any better. It's time to let Patrick Jane ride off into the sunset, then move an aging show like "CSI" into this slot to prepare for its own ending. It's time CBS!

Dads, aired Tuesdays at 8 p.m.
Why: I can't believe this show hasn't been officially cancelled yet. Sure, by comparison to other comedies on FOX, this show wasn't horrible in the ratings. But it wasn't a good show, it didn't have a big audience, and FOX ditched it before the Spring even came. Yet it is reportedly still in play to get a second season. No, just no. This is a show that probably shouldn't have made it to the air, and now it certainly should be allowed to fade away.

Revolution, Wednesdays at 8 p.m.
Why: I loved the pilot for this show, and its potential. It had an uneven first season that ended with a limp. The second season has been even worse, and its ratings continue to decline. The double-edged sword for NBC is that this show is completing a second season. It takes four full seasons, usually, to earn syndication. So when you renew a show for the third season, it's usually a gamble on two more seasons to get the syndication money. There is no way this show can come up with watchable stories for one more full seasons, let alone two. It should end in May.


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