Spring TV Roundup, Week 6

Here's a look at the new shows this Spring. I review the pilots and second episodes of each new series. If you don't see a new show below, check previous weeks.

Monday Nights:
Friends With Better Lives, Mondays at 8 p.m. on CBS
About: This is the sitcom that will slide into "How I Met Your Mother's" timeslot. It got it's first preview on Monday night, following the HIMYM finale. It was mildly amusing, but not great. It feels a bit too much like other CBS sitcoms. I didn't feel that magic. Of course, part of that could be that it followed the HIMYM finale, which was rough. There are some decent actors here, but I'm not sure if this will work.
Pilot Grade: C

Wednesday Nights:
The 100, Wednesdays at 9 p.m. on the CW
About: This futuristic sci-fi show took a step back for me in its second episode. I loved the set up of the pilot and the possibility set up in the pilot. The second episode wasn't as great, but I'm still intrigued by the premise, the world and some of the characters. This might be the best of the CW shows to premier this season.
Pilot Grade: B+
Second Episode: B-

Thursday Nights:
Surviving Jack, Thursdays at 9:30 p.m. on FOX
About: This sitcom comes from writer Justin Halpern, based on his book "I Suck At Girls." He's also the one responsible for "Sh*t My Dad Says," which was based on another of his books and his real life with his father. This has a similar style and similar father-son dynamic, but hews closer to Halpern's real life experiences. I liked the pilot a lot more than I expected. Christopher Meloni is great in the lead role, and the humor and family dynamics worked for me. I could see this show being good, but it needs a ratings pick up.
Pilot Grade: B+


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