Spring TV Roundup, Week 8

Today I continue my look at the new shows debuting this Spring. I review the pilot and second episode of new shows. If you don't see a new show listed, check previous weeks.

Monday Nights:
Friends With Better Lives, Mondays at 8:30 p.m. on CBS
About: CBS badly wants this to be the heir to something. The pilot followed the finale of "How I Met Your Mother," and the promos played that connection up for all it was worth. The network has also touted it as a possible heir to the "Friends" model. Neither of those shoes fit. The show feels closer to the now defunct CBS sitcom "Rules of Engagement," just with an extra character. The jokes are about on that level, as is the set up. As my wife said watching episode two, it just feels like the show is trying too hard. There are some mildly interesting pieces, but it hasn't created a solid whole. This doesn't feel like a show with a future beyond airing a handful of episodes this spring.
Pilot Grade: C
Second Episode: C-

Sunday Nights:
TURN, Sundays at 9 p.m. on AMC
About: This is the "untold story" of America's first spy ring. It's set during the Revolutionary War and chronicles the British, the upstart Americans, and those caught in between. I liked the pilot, which was moody and had periods of stark violence. The second episode was much the same. There were some plot twists that felt like a nod to 21st Century America, but since this is based on a true story I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. I like the pieces and I see this as a possibly strong show for AMC, a network in desperate need of a new drama hit. That being said, this feels like the kind of story that would be best served as a mini-series. I wonder how long they can keep the central characters twisting in the wind, and how long they can keep this show going as it's currently constructed. But so far I'm interested in seeing how it develops.
Pilot Grade: B
Second Episode: B

Silicon Valley, Sundays at 10 p.m. on HBO
About: Coming from Mike Judge, this is HBO's latest sitcom. It gets the prime slot between "Game of Thrones," HBO's best show, and "VEEP," its best comedy. That's a great spot to be in. This show isn't as good as either of the shows around it, but it's pretty funny. There is a strong "Office Space" feel to the show and it has some good characters. I am curious to see where this show goes. It's set in the tech world, which feels a little different, and it has some interesting sensibilities. This feels like something that is paired nicely to create a strong spring Sunday night lineup for HBO.
Pilot Grade: B
Second Episode: B

Years of Living Dangerously, Sundays at 10 p.m. on Showtime
About: There has been a lot of talk about Global Warming, and the dangers of climate change of the years. Politicians have taken various positions, and it's hard to know what to believe. Into that fray comes "Years of Living Dangerously," which features a bunch of Hollywood stars and journalists exploring climate change. This explores science, challenges faced by different countries, and tries to provide some truth to audiences. Watching the pilot — which featured stories investigated by Harrison Ford, Don Cheadle, and Thomas L. Friedman — was an eye-opening and fascinating experience. This is a well-crafted series, and it makes you think. I'm fascinated to see where it goes from here.
Pilot Grade: A


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