The Glory of God

"Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts." — Isaiah 6:5

In our new Sunday School curriculum, we're looking at what it means to have a God-Center Worldview. The second lesson was on the idea of the Glory of God. And, naturally, the lesson asks the question early on of what you think about when you hear the term glory of God.

For me, naturally, I think about a really, really bright light. I don't know why, but when I hear the words Glory of God I think of the bright lights. Turns out I'm not the only one that thinks about that, but that's not what we should be thinking about.

Obviously the natural reaction to seeing the Glory of God is worship. I love that reaction from Isaiah when he is brought to the presence of God — he feels like his is completely unworthy. There is a similar reaction in Ezekiel, chapter 1. Ezekiel sees the Glory of God and falls on his face in worship. That seems like a natural reaction to such a thing.

I also liked the three-fold way the lesson described the Glory of God based on God's reaction to Moses' request in Exodus 33 to see the God's glory. His glory is based on his Manifest Work, Excellent Reputation, and Inherent Beauty.

Manifest Work speaks to the idea that God is an active part of our world. Some people believe in a God Outside the Box — a God that made the world, let it spin, and sits back to watch. That isn't our God. That isn't the Biblical explanation of God, and that is reflected in this attribute of God's glory.

The second has to do with the name of the Lord, which is to be revered. God's name is literally an action verb. Our God Is, Always Has Been, and Always Will Be. That is an awesome and humbling thought.

Finally, God's Glory is about the beauty in His creation. The lesson talks about the fact there is something in our soul that seeks out beauty, and that is part of how we capture the Glory of God. It's in a sunset, a sunrise, or even awesome scenes like the one above. God created a deep and beautiful world  for His creation, and we see His glory when we appreciate that beauty.


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