The Watchers on the Wall

"I made a promise to defend the wall and I have to keep it. That's what men do." — Sam, "Game of Thrones."

We are in the fourth season of "Game of Thrones," so by now some patterns have emerged. And one of the big patterns is that you have to weary of the ninth episode of the season. The ninth episode of the first season saw Ned Stark lose his head, the ninth episode of season two featured the battle of Blackwater, and the ninth episode last year was the Red Wedding.

So last night, as "Game of Thrones" entered the ninth episode of its fourth season, there was reason for concern. After all, unlike previous seasons we've already been dealt some big blows in the fourth season. Major turns and deaths have occurred throughout, so you had to wonder if the ninth episode — featuring the battle between the Night's Watch and the Wildlings at the Wall would hold up.

It did.

In a beautiful, unexpected, and action-packed hour, we got a great episode that lived up to the tradition of the ninth episode while doing something different. It was a great episode of growth for Jon Snow, a fan favorite, and his long-suffering companion Sam Tarly. Below are some thoughts on what we saw, and on what needs to be resolved in next Sunday's finale.


The Watchers on the Wall
* This was a showcase episode for Sam, and the actor that portrays him, John Bradley. When he was reunited with Gilly, it was a touching and beautiful moment. His discussion with Maester Aemon was, similarly, a beautiful moment. And when he found his courage and duty, it was inspiring. Bradley, to me, was the MVP of the episode.
* Jon Snow took a step toward leading the Night's Watch. We already knew the brothers prefer him, but last night we saw him take charge, make tough decisions, and step up to protect the Seven Kingdoms.
* That was an incredible episode, the kind of sprawling battle sequence usually reserved for theaters this time of year. Instead, it's just another example of why "Game of Thrones" is, hands down, the best show on television.
* The reunion between Jon and Ygritte, though brief and tragic, was a beautiful moment. The smile on Jon's face, the realization Ygritte loved him too much to kill him, and their exchange as she lay dying was just about the perfect end to that sequence.

But now, the question is how will the season end. Below are some things I am eager to see.

The Finale:
* What will Tyrion's fate be? He lost the trial by combat, and logic says he'll be killed, but I can't bring myself to believe this is the end for Tyrion.
* Will Sansa and Arya be reunited? Arya has come agonizingly close to seeing her family in the past, but will this finally be the episode it happens?
* Will Jon find Mance Rayder, and even when he does, can he stop the fight that's coming?
* What about the White Walkers?
* Will Daenerys forgive Jorah?

We'll find out as much as we can on Sunday night… then the wait begins for Spring 2015.


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