Natural Beauty

"All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made." — 1 John 1:3

There are a lot of ways that people feel closer to God. One of them is through nature. I have heard many people talk about interacting with the natural beauty of the world, and feeling closer to the Creator, and more in awe of His creations.

That hasn't really been the case for me. I am not a big nature person, though I do appreciate the natural wonder and beauty. But on Sunday, as I took a slow train ride up and down Pike's Peak, I started to appreciate what speaks to people in those remote, peaceful places.

There was something beautiful and meaningful about the quiet mountain spaces. I saw lakes, forests, green space, and incredible mountain views. It was a unique experience — much like last year when I saw the Grand Canyon — and it was something unexpected.

Being in that place, especially at the summit when you could see for miles in each direction, it was impossible not to marvel at the depth, breadth, and beauty of creation. And, for me, it was impossible not to marvel at the wonders of the Creator.

Nature may never be the place I go to when I want to worship or feel closer to God, but there is something about the wonder of creation that compels you to worship. I felt that Sunday, standing atop a mountain looking out at the vast cities below. It was invigorating, inspiring, and beautiful.


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