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Here's a look at the new movie I saw this week.

Let's Be Cops
Starring: Jake Johnson, Damon Wayans, Jr., Nina Dobrev, Rob Riggle, Keegan Michael Key, Andy Garcia, and James D'Arcy
Synopsis: On Tuesday nights during the TV season, Jake Johnson and Damon Wayans, Jr., ply their comedy talents as Nick and Coach in the FOX sitcom “New Girl.” You might rightly be asking what that has to do with the new movie “Let’s Be Cops.” Well, fans of that show appreciate the rapport between the actors and their characters. They work well together on screen, so it makes some sense they’d tackle a movie together. That movie, “Let’s Be Cops,” feels very much like those two characters branched off to have their own adventure. Johnson plays a character somewhat similar to his TV alter-ego, while Wayans plays a character that feels like a hybrid of the characters he played in “New Girl” and another popular sitcom, “Happy Endings.” Somehow their natural charisma and talent elevates a pedestrian plot to something that’s a fun diversion during the dog days of summer. “Let’s Be Cops” doesn’t have the most original set up. It’s a comedy and it’s not hard to see the beats of where the story is going. But what helps make it work is Johnson and Wayans, along with a group of dedicated supporting players. Director Luke Greenfield has done a few different types of comedies — including directing “Girl Next Door” and “Something Borrowed.” This film has more of a straight action comedy feel, and Greenfield gets the most out of his performers in a film he co-wrote with Nicholas Thomas. Rob Riggle, a talented comedian, adds to the comedy as the cop who helps Justin and Ryan in their mission. Andy Garcia commits as a shady detective, while James D’Arcy is a little over-the-top as the principle villain. All of those characters help flesh out the world. But the movie ultimately comes down to Johnson and Wayans. Some critics and audiences have panned the movie, while others have enjoyed the experience. I think it comes down to how you relate to the two leads. I thought they had a great rapport, had a few funny scenes, and carried the action well. Particularly enjoyable was the arc played by Keegan Michael Key as he played off Johnson and Wayans. As I said at the outset, the characters in this film feel like extensions of the characters Johnson and Wayans play on “New Girl.” If you’re a fan of that show and their style, then you will appreciate this movie for what it is. It isn’t deep or iconic, but it’s a fun summer diversion.
Rating: R for language including sexual references, some graphic nudity, violence and drug use. Enter with caution.
Verdict: Three stars out of four.

Upcoming Releases:
Friday, August 22 — "When The Game Stands Tall," "Sin City: A Dame to Kill For," "If I Stay"
Wednesday, August 27 — "November Man"
Friday, August 29 — "As Above, So Below"


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