Fall TV Roundup, Week 11

In these weekly posts I look at all the new shows of the season. I review the pilot and second episode of new shows. If you don't see a new show listed below, please check previous weeks.

Tuesday Nights:
The Britishes, Tuesdays at 8:22 p.m. on DirecTV (October 28)
About: This is the latest from DirecTV, an original series that spoofs "Downton Abbey." It's also a short, and judging by the first two installments that's an understatement. Neither short has been longer than three minutes. So far it's mostly just been a series of cliches of complaints about "Downton Abbey," or exaggerations of things the show is famous for. This was a highly advertised series, but so far there's not much to it.
Pilot Grade: C
Second Episode: C-

Benched, Tuesdays at 10:30 p.m. on USA (Premiered October 28)
About: USA hasn't had a lot of luck with comedies, but "Benched" has the bones to be a keeper. It's been a rough fall for new sitcoms — with four already having been cancelled and several others in peril. But what "Benched" gets right is a deep cast, a simple story, and laughs. You can't underestimate the importance of having actual laughs, which this one has had in the first two episodes. Eliza Coupe is great in the lead role, and the supporting cast works well here, too. This show might be a little hard to find, and it's paired with a strange reality offering, but it's worth checking out.
Pilot Grade: C+
Second Episode: C+

Wednesday Nights:
The Game, Wednesdays at 10 p.m. on BBC America (Premiered November 4)
About: This is the BBC America answer to "The Americans." It is about the British intelligence service battling the Russians, only this is set in England in the early 1970s. The first episode was about establishing the players and the world. In typical British fashion the show is slow, and the characters are a little murky. There is enough here to be intriguing, but it's a little hard to tell where this show is going. Still, it appears to have a strong cast and some potential for intrigue.
Pilot Grade: C

Thursday Nights:
The McCarthys, Thursdays at 9:30 p.m. on CBS (Premiered October 30)
About: This is CBS' only new sitcom this fall, and it was also the last of their new shows to premier. The network cut down its comedy hours this fall, and that seems to have been wise. Many of the veteran comedies are flagging, and this is not going to help. The show hasn't been a hit in the ratings, and for good reason. This is meant to be a broad family comedy, but it's lacking in the comedy department. Considering CBS has "Mike & Molly" waiting in the wings, the only question is how long this will stay on the air. I hope not long.
Pilot Grade: D
Second Episode: D-


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