Blood in the Water

"You keep the windows intact, you keep society intact." — Rick, "The Walking Dead"

Alexandria appeared like a place of promise. Now, it looks like a place of battle — or at least it will. You can feel it coming. Since they arrived, our heroes have had one eye cocked, waiting for the next shoe to drop.

Carol and Rick have skulked around, preparing for the worst. Others have worked to build up the fence and been wary of what might be coming. Then, last night, the bottom fell out.

Carol figured out that Pete is abusing his wife and family, and challenged Rick to do something about it. More precisely, she challenged Rick to kill Pete.

While out gathering supplies for the fence, Abraham showed himself to have a great deal of courage and leadership. He took over the crew — putting another of our heroes in a leadership position.

And while out scavenging, Noah was killed, as was Deanna's son, Aiden. That will have repercussions. Glen looked shaken. Tara is injured. And it confirms the group's worst fears — that the people of Alexandria are ill-equipped to survive the world as it it.

Oh, and at the same time Gabriel, the priest rescued by Rick and company on the road, went to Deanna, urging her to turn Rick's group out, claiming they're dangerous. He said, "Satan disguises himself as the angel of light. A false light will destroy everything."

With just two episodes left, a clash of ideologies is coming. It threatens to break the peace and promise of Alexandria. The question is who will be left standing, and who is right. After watching the past few weeks, you have to wonder if we should still be rooting for Rick and Carol to prevail.


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