Secrets and Lies

"We're getting her ready to find out who we really are; who she really is and that's going to break everything open, will change everything, but it's going to take time." — Elizabeth Jennings, "The Americans"

The explosive third season of "The Americans" wrapped up on Wednesday, and it didn't disappoint. It's been a dark, unsettled season, so it makes sense that the show would end in a way that leaves you wondering what will become of Philip and Elizabeth Jennings when the show returns.

It's easy to forget, but when "The Americans" began, Philip was on the fence about keeping up this life. He and Elizabeth have gone through peaks and valleys, but the focus of this year has seemed to be on the cost of leading the lives they do. They've examined the cost in terms of what it does to them as individuals, but also the collateral damage done to Paige, their daughter.

The finale brought all those things to a head. Forced to take another life, Philip again struggled with what he has to do in this life. He went to EST looking for some guidance. He opened up in a real way with Sandra Beeman. And he laid quietly, staring at the ceiling. He also nearly was able to tell Elizabeth he couldn't do it anymore.

At the same time, Elizabeth was going through her own challenges — seeing her mother briefly — and dealing with the doubts and fears of Paige. He revelation that all adults lie was meant to be comforting, but it rang hollow to Paige, and to the audience. Elizabeth has wrestled with this life in her own way, but while Philip can no longer contain the doubt inside, Elizabeth has mastered the art of pushing it down and putting on a happy — or at least stoic — face.

The final straw for Paige — who reached her breaking point and confessed her parents' secret to Pastor Tim — opens the door to a world of possibilities, most of which seem bleak. But that's a problem for next season.

For now, we're left to ponder what will happen — and what we want to happen. Philip and Elizabeth are the "heroes" of the series, but they're hardly heroic. The darkness, secrets, and lies take their toll, even on these hardened spies. And they take a toll on the audience.

The final episode indicated they'd all reached a breaking point. Now we're left to wonder what that will mean.


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