Summer Binge Watch Bonus — Seth Macfarlane films

Seth Macfarlane has long been a fixture on the small screen, where "Family Guy" remains a cult hit. But his third feature film — "Ted 2" — drops tomorrow, so now seems like a good time to look at the two previous outrageous comedies he gave us during these long, hot summer months.

Ted (2012)
About: I will always hold a special place in my heart for "Ted." No, it's not because the movie deeply moved me, but rather because I saw it on the most important day of my life so far, the day I married my wife. "Ted" was the kind of funny, irreverent comedy that was the perfect tonic to cure wedding day nerves, at least for me. It was also quite entertaining. Macfarlane directed the film, and stars as the voice of Ted, a stuffed bear that comes to life. He had great chemistry with Mark Wahlberg, who seemed perfect in the role. There were a lot of great cameos and supporting performances too. I really liked Joel McHale as the obnoxious boss, which led to the greatest line in the film from Wahlberg — a line not repeatable in this space. "Ted" isn't for everybody, but I thought it was an under-rated, albeit profane, comedy.
Rating: R for crude and sexual content, pervasive language, and some drug use. Enter with caution.
Verdict: Three stars out of four.

A Million Ways to Die in the West (2014)
About: Macfarlane's second film also featured him a a starring role — this time as himself in front of the camera. This was a movie that didn't draw a lot of buzz or make a ton of money, but I thought it was one of the best comedies of the summer. Again, it's got a lot of adult content, and it's probably not for everyone. It was a sarcastic send up of westerns, reminding me of the Mel Brooks classic "Blazing Saddles." Macfarlane was great in the lead role, and I loved what Charlize Theron brought to her role in the film, too. The movie has an excellent supporting cast, too, including Liam Neeson, Giovanni Ribisi, Sarah Silverman, Neil Patrick Harris, and Amanda Seyfried.
Rating: R for strong crude and sexual content, language throughout, some violence and drug material. Enter with Caution.
Verdict: Four stars out of four.


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