Summer Binge Watch — Jaws

In these weekly posts I take a look at something you can binge this summer. Since the original is turning 40, and is the ultimate summer blockbuster, it's time to look at the cannon of "Jaws." Plus, at the bottom, I'll give you another sneaky entertaining shark movie.

1. Jaws (1975)
About: This was the first summer blockbuster, it's classic Steven Spielberg, and it's a film that's held up incredibly well over the years. There is a reason it's a classic. It's also fascinating to watch the making of documentary and realize how much of what makes the film Iconic was a fluke during production. Roy Schieder, Robert Shaw and Richard Dreyfuss are great in this movie. It's one of my all time favorites, and a must watch for me each summer.
Rating: PG
Verdict: Four stars out of four

2. Jaws 3-D (1983)
About: This is where the order starts to change. "Jaws 2" is a fine film. It's on this list. It's not the second best film. That honor, to me, belongs to "Jaws 3-D," which was in 3D and also the third film in the series. This one moves the focus to Chief Brody's grown children — the eldest of which is played by Dennis Quaid, who is the maintenance supervisor at a Sea World park. The action begins when Jaws, and its baby, make their way into the park. Mayhem then ensues. I liken the way I feel about "Jaws 3-D" to the way I feel about "Jurassic World" in comparison to "Jurassic Park." It's not as good as the original, but the theme park element shakes up the narrative and gives the whole thing a little extra kick. I think this movie is somewhat under rated.
Rating: PG
Verdict: Three stars out of four

3. Jaws 2 (1978)
About: Most people think this is probably the second best "Jaws" film, and I can understand that point. Gone are Hooper and Quint, but Chief Brody is there, it's back on Amity Island, and there's something familiar about the film. But for me, that's part of the problem. This feels like a by-the-numbers sequel. The story is largely similar, as is the setting. I like these films to change it up a bit and to do something unique. This is a fine film, but it hews too close to the original without being as good. It's fine, but that's all it is to me.
Rating: PG
Verdict: Two stars out of four

4. Jaws The Revenge (1987)
About: Woof… This movie is a dog. It's set in the Bahamas, with Chief Brody's oldest son now played by Lance Guest, and is mostly built around Mrs. Brody, Loraine Gray. Even the presence of Michael Caine, an impeccable and talented actor, can't help this film. This is the definition of an unnecessary sequel and even for someone who is a fan of these movies, and a shark movie fiend in general, this is practically unwatchable. Oh, and it's set at Christmas time, too...
Rating: PG-13
Verdict: One Star out of four

Bonus Pick: Deep Blue Sea (1999)
About: We haven't had a new "Jaws" film in a long time, but in the summer of 1999 we got a different kind of shark movie in "Deep Blue Sea." This time it isn't about Great White sharks, but rather genetically altered sharks at a deep ocean research facility. The doctors are hoping to cure Alzheimers, but something goes horribly wrong. It's got a good cast, including Thomas Jane and L.L. Cool J, as well as a great cameo performance from Samuel L. Jackson. I like the set up and story, and I think the film makes the most of its killer sharks and unique location. It's not "Jaws," but it's a fun, entertaining movie.
Rating: R for graphic shark attacks, and for language.
Verdict: Three stars out of four.


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