Summer TV Roundup — Week 17

Summer is over… This is the final roundup of new summer shows. Next week I'll preview Fall Shows I'm excited about, as the first premiers begin next week. Then we'll begin reviewing all the new shows of fall!

Streaming Options:
Narcos, Now streaming on Netflix (Debuted August 27)
About: This series takes a hard look at the rise of cocaine trafficking in the United States in the 1970s and early 1980s, and the building of the cartel in Columbia. It presents a larger historical perspective while telling the story of a DEA Agent who travels to Columbia to help stamp out the drug trade. Even as he does it, the agent that narrates the story knows it's a losing battle. This show is violent and not an easy watch at times, but it's fascinating in the way it documents history in telling this story. It has good performances and it's building to a nice crescendo through two episodes. All the episodes are now available and streaming.
Pilot Grade: B
Second Episode: B-

Hand of God, Now Streaming on Amazon (Premiered September 4)
About: I watched and reviewed this pilot during Amazon's pilot season. I didn't care for it at all. Now a full season is available. Here's my review of the pilot: I was never a fan of the FX drama "Sons of Anarchy," but many were. Likely that will give "Hand of God" star Perlman a built-in fan base. Clearly this is yet another cable (or online) drama that is centered on an anti-hero. He's rough around the edges and not always likable, but he tries. In this case Perlman is a corrupt judge who has some kind of spiritual awakening. That could be a compelling set up, but it's not here. The pilot is dark and violent, and the story isn't compelling. There are no likable characters, and even in the pilot the show seems to suggest that the spiritual awakening is fake. I also have to think that someone who was as high profile as Perlman's judge character is supposed to be would have more trouble getting away with his antics. There are some things in this pilot that were completely unbelievable. I would have dwelled on that more had I been able to make myself care. There is nothing compelling about this pilot, which is borderline unwatchable.
Pilot Grade: D


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