Serving Our City

"Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings." — Isaiah 58:12

This weekend we put the focus on serving Colorado Springs as a church. It's a way to honor the call God puts on his people to give back to the Lord, to be good stewards of the place God has set us. And there is a beauty in seeing the people of God at work to restore the city.

Cities are a place of vibrance and life. But they are also places of hurt and brokenness. As the people of God, we've been given a great chance to speak into those places of hurting and make a positive difference. But, too often, that's not where we go.

This weekend, churches from throughout our city banded together to help make our presence felt. I am proud to be a part of a church where, for many, this isn't a once-a-year occurrence. But there was still power in banding together in service.

The past two years, Lindsay and I have attended the Trunk or Treat event. That was true again this year. We bought supplies, decorated our car (above) and were part of a great community outreach event. Being the hands and feet — or in this case the loving smile — of the family of God in the community. It's a fun and exciting event.

Watching the video today, I was moved by all those who took time out of their weekend to make a difference in our city. It's enough to make you wonder what it would look like if the people of God regularly made an impact in the cities where they're planted. It would be a beautiful thing. Hopefully more days like Saturday will happen in cities around the world.


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