Upfronts Week — The CW

It's Upfronts Week! Each May, as one broadcast season ends, the major networks — NBC, FOX, ABC, CBS, and The CW — present their new fall schedules to the world. This includes changed time slots, new series, and what's been cancelled. Each day this week I'll be taking a look at the new schedules as they're released.

The CW
Best Scheduling Move: "Jane The Virgin" is arguably the most decorated show on the CW, with Gina Rodriguez winning a Golden Globe, the network's first award. But it's hard trouble attracting an audience. It's never had a good lead in, either. That changes next fall as "Supergirl," which will likely be a top three rated series for the CW, and is also female-centric, takes the Monday at 8 p.m. slot. This will give the best possible lead in for "Jane The Virgin," and might expose the show to a whole new audience.

Most Curious Scheduling Move: There really aren't any dubious moves here for the CW in terms of its fall schedule. So I'm going to go off book here and suggest the most curious move is how the CW is going to fit all its shows on the air next year. The network renewed everything on its air through March, which already gave them more programming than they have programming slots, then it added four new shows. What does that mean? How many shows get full seasons? Will stuff get pushed into summer? No body knows.

Most Promising New Show for Fall: The CW technically has three new shows — two originals and one re-located show, "Supergirl," which moves from CBS. I'm going with "Supergirl" here. It is a second year show, but it's new to the CW, and I think it's perfectly on brand. This series probably should have always been here, and it gives the CW another solid performer for Monday nights. With DC Superhero series on four nights a week, this gives the network a solid platform to launch new series and get eyeballs to other series that haven't been widely seen.

Least Promising New Show for Fall: I'm going with "No Tomorrow" here. It looks quirky and possibly funny, and it might be on brand for a network with "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend." However, ugh is all I could think when watching the trailer. It looks a little too quirky and crazy for me. They obviously want it to succeed, putting it on behind "The Flash," their top-rated series, but I don't see it.

The CW Schedule
8 p.m. — Supergirl (NEW)
9 p.m. — Jane The Virgin

8 p.m. — The Flash
9 p.m. — No Tomorrow (NEW)

8 p.m. — Arrow
9 p.m. — Frequency (NEW)

8 p.m. — D.C.'s Legends of Tomorrow
9 p.m. — Supernatural

8 p.m. — The Vampire Diaries
9 p.m. — Crazy Ex-Girlfriend


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