Upfronts Week — FOX

It's Upfronts Week! Each May, as one broadcast season ends, the major networks — NBC, FOX, ABC, CBS, and The CW — present their new fall schedules to the world. This includes changed time slots, new series, and what's been cancelled. Each day this week I'll be taking a look at the new schedules as they're released.

Best Schedule Move: Last year FOX broke up its Tuesday night comedy block and sent "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" to Sunday nights. It didn't work. Wisely, FOX has moved "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" back to Tuesdays, pairing it with "New Girl." FOX comedies haven't been stellar the past few seasons, but this is a move that make sense.

Most Curious Scheduling Move: FOX moved "Rosewood" to Thursday nights at 8 p.m. Much like NBC offloading "Blindspot" to a dead spot in its lineup, FOX moving "Rosewood" to the tough Thursday slot doesn't bode well. While the series was one of just a couple that made it to year two, "Rosewood" showed significant ratings declines when pulled away from "Empire." Dumping it on Thursdays alongside the limp final season of "Bones" doesn't seem like a good sign for its future.

Most Promising New Show for Fall: FOX, like NBC, is launching just three new series in the Fall, holding most for the winter and spring. Of those three, two are TV adaptations of movies — "Lethal Weapon" and "The Exorcist." That's usually not a great sign — think "Rush Hour" flatlining for CBS. That being said, with this crop of shows, that's what we've got. So take "Most Promising" with a grain of salt. Of the three, I'm going with "Lethal Weapon" because it could have the easiest format to adapt and I like Damon Wayans. But this is still gonna be a stretch.

Least Promising New Show for Fall: Again, this isn't a promising fall slate for FOX in general. But the most curious to me is "Son of Zorn," which is a live-action/animation hybrid that looks awful. It's going on Sunday nights, where it might pair well with the other animated series, but even the trailer wasn't inspiring.

FOX Schedule
8 p.m. — Gotham
9 p.m. — Lucifer

8 p.m. — Brooklyn Nine-Nine
8:30 p.m. — New Girl
9 p.m. — Scream Queens

8 p.m. — Lethal Weapon (NEW)
9 p.m. — Empire

8 p.m. — Rosewood
9 p.m. — Bones (Final Season)

8 p.m. — Hell's Kitchen
9 p.m. — The Exorcist (NEW)

7 p.m. — NFL on FOX
7:30 p.m. — Bob's Burgers
8 p.m. — The Simpsons
8:30 p.m. — Son of Zorn (NEW)
9 p.m. — Family Guy
9:30 p.m. — Last Man on Earth


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