
"Hear me, Lord, and answer me, for I am poor and needy." Psalm 86:1

Today we continued out look at prayer with Supplication, the act of bringing our needs before the Lord. This is the part that we most often think about when we talk about prayer, the part where we bring our petitions and requests before God.

But sometimes we don't really understand how it works.

I was watching an episode of "Mom" this weekend, and one of the characters faced a big decision. A friend urged her to turn to God for guidance. She got on her knees and, awkwardly, made her petition to God. She waited 10 seconds then looked to the sky and said, "I'm still waiting."

I think we see that a lot. People bring their prayers and petitions to God and expect and instant response. More than that, we expect to instantly get what we've prayed for. But that's not how it works. In fact, sometimes the answer isn't even yes. I love the way Pastor Tim challenged us, saying, "We need to show we trust Him even when the answer He gives us is no." That, unfortunately, doesn't usually happen.

In fact, many turn to prayer expecting a quick answer in the affirmative. They expect things to be dialed up when we ask. They treat prayer like a commercial transaction. If I'm honest, I've been guilty the same thing.

But that's not how it works. God hears us when we pray. He delights when we bring our open and honest requests before Him. But the response — both the timing and the specific answer — is up to Him.

This week may we pray fervently and honestly, but most importantly with the right spirit of expectation. One that's patiently waiting upon the Lord for a response. And one that's open to hear what He answers.


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