Who Knows — For Such A Time As This

"For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?" — Esther 4:14

Do our stories matter? Do we matter in the grand scheme of things? This new series we began today looks at seven stories from Scripture through the lens of story, and the idea that God is in our story and we're in God's story.

The first of those stories is the story of Esther. Esther is a unique book in the Bible for a couple reasons. First, it's one of only two books in the Bible that is named after a heroine, the other being Ruth. Second, it's one of only two books in the Bible that doesn't reference God, the other being Song of Songs.

Some have in the past been critical of Esther because God is not explicitly named. But in reality, it seems to be a purposeful move to show how God is always present, working in our lives and in all the situations He's placed us. It reminds me of the the line in the Halverson benediction that says, "you go nowhere by accident." The implication there, and in Esther, is that God has placed us where we are to serve Him. We just need to recognize that and have the courage to say yes.

That is the crux of the faith shown by Mordecai in his response to Esther quoted above. He told her that she was free not to act, but he had faith God would get it done another way. But he ends with telling her he believes that she was put in her position for a reason, and it's time to act. For Such A Time As This.

We, too, are where we are for a reason. Our stories matter because they are part of the larger narrative God is telling in this world. We aren't all queens. We don't all have the kind of influence that can save a people from genocide. But we are all where we are For Such A Time As This.

Esther's story is inspiring because it is our story. The question is whether we, like Esther, will have the courage to act.


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