Revisiting Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker opens on December 20. It is meant to be an end to the saga we've known for more than 40 years, and that includes 10 previous movies (eight in series and two stand alone tales in the world). In the run up to that release, I'll be revisiting all 10 of the released Star Wars films and sharing thoughts as we prepare for the final chapter.

Star Wars, Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2015)
Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, and Oscar Isaac
About: I remember when I heard Disney had purchased Lucasfilm and would be starting up "Star Wars" films again. I was really excited and curious to see what would come. That first trailer for 'The Force Awakens" was an experience, and it's a film that I really anticipated. I remember seeing it for the first time on the day it opened, and it was about what I'd hoped. Thinking about it later, there is a lot of nostalgia in that first reaction. This is a fine movie, and it is a step up, for the most part, over the prequels. Though "Revenge of the Sith" is better than you remember, and this isn't as good. There are parts that I like, especially the sequence on the Star Killer Base, and when Han Solo faces his son. I actually remember thinking this was a great showcase for Ford, and thinking it was a shame he couldn't get an Academy Award nomination. And while there is some nostalgia here and this is a fun film, it's not quite at the level of some of the best of the "Star Wars" films. It takes a while to get going and there are some ways in which it very much feels like a re-do of "A New Hope." That's not a terrible thing, but it's certainly not something that makes it feel special or original, at least not in the way of other films. It's good, not great. And I think once you get past the excitement of having "Star Wars" and these characters back in your life, it's easier to properly rate the film.
Rating: PG-13 for sci-fi action violence


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