Wakanda Forever


On Friday news broke that Chadwick Boseman had passed away. It was heart-breaking to see a man in his prime lost to cancer. While many instantly though of the iconic role he played in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the King of Wakanda, Black Panther. And while he's great in that role, appearing in four films including the stunning "Black Panther" in 2018, Boseman's body of work is much more diverse.

Tonight ABC will play "Black Panther" followed by a special on the actor for those who are interested. But if you're looking to explore some of his other work, here's a few of the other notable roles and films in which he's appeared.

Da 5 Bloods (2020)
One of the biggest releases of the year so far, this Spike Lee film could be an award contender. Boseman plays a supporting part and does a pretty great job. It's worth checking out.

21 Bridges (2019)
I feel like this one got lost in the shuffle a bit last year, as Boseman plays a cop up against a clock to solve a violent crime that turns out to be more than it appears to be. I liked Boseman a lot in the role, and thought he made the film a lot more interesting than it should have been.

Boseman was the master at biopics, sliding into a number of different fascinating real life roles.

42 (2013)
Here Boseman plays Jackie Robinson, who broke the color barrier in baseball. Such a huge story and such a huge historical figures, and Boseman is incredible in the film.

Get On Up (2014)
From Jackie Robinson to James Brown, as Boseman gives his all and slips into a great performance as another iconic figure.

Marshal (2017)
Here, Boseman takes on the role of Thurgood Marshall, who went on to become Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. But in this film, it's a younger Marshall battling injustice and systemic racism as a trial lawyer. This was a good film that's under-rated. 

The Express (2008)
Boseman isn't the lead here, as the film focuses on Ernie Davis. But Boseman plays another historical back, one near-and-dear to Broncos' fans, in Floyd Little.

Draft Day (2014)
: The king of sports movies, Kevin Costner, plays the GM of the Cleveland Browns on the day of the NFL Draft. Boseman plays fierce lineback Vontae Mack, who advocates for himself and ends up beocming the No. 1 overall pick. It's a great part in what's one of my favorite sports movies. Vontae Mack, no matter what!

So make your Sunday a little better and check out one of these Boseman films, or maybe a few, as a tribute to a talented performer lost too soon.


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