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Here's a look at the new movies I saw this week.

Emma (HBO Max)
Anya Taylor-Joy, Gemma Whalen, and Bill Nighy
Synopsis: There have been many adaptations of Jane Austen's classic work "Emma," and this one is just the latest. It was released in the early part of 2020, when theaters were still a thing, and has now made it on to the rotation on HBO. The film features Taylor-Joy in the lead role, and follows the familiar story. I thought the performances here were solid, and it was played a comedy as is intended. It works pretty well and is entertaining enough without being particularly memorable. It's a fine adaptation and it's a nice starring vehicle for Taylor-Joy if nothing else.
Rating: PG for brief partial nudity.
Verdict: Two stars out of four.

Holidate (Netflix)
Emma Roberts, Luke Bracey, Frances Fisher, Jessica Capshaw, and Kristen Chenoweth
Synopsis: This latest release from Netflix kicks off the Christmas movie season for the streamer. The film begins and ends at Christmas, one year passing in between, and follows a pair of singles (Roberts and Bracey) who come to an arrangement to survive all the holidays. After a tough Christmas where they're reminded they're single and the pitfalls that come with it, the pair decide to enter a formal holidate arrangement, whereby they serve as each other's companion for each holiday, no strings attached. Naturally, sparks fly. This one isn't complicated or hard to figure out, but Roberts (the niece of Julia Roberts) and Bracey do a nice job in the lead roles. This was a lot of fun, a nice, light holiday comedy that delivers exactly the kind of diversion you're looking for. We're heading into a season of holiday-themed releases, and as the first one out of the box, it sets a good tone.
Rating: TV-MA
Verdict: Three stars out of four.


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