Peyton's Places, The Beastquake


One of my best discoveries during the pandemic in 2020 was "Peyton's Places." Season one began last Fall to celebrate the 100th season of the NFL. It wrapped up in early 2020 and is the best thing about ESPN+. Naturally, it was renewed for Season 2. That season premiered November 29, and I've decided to chronicle each delightful episode.

The Season 2 premier of "Peyton's Places" took him to Oakland for a meeting with Marshawn Lynch. Lynch was one of the most powerful runners in football, and one of the most fascinating personalities. He also has a connection to Manning as a player, having suited up for the Seahawks as they beat Peyton and the Broncos in the Super Bowl following the 2013 season. That, naturally, was referenced.

Lynch is a somewhat mercurial player, and I think this episode helped give me new insight and appreciation for Lynch the person, Lynch the player, and Lynch the community supporter. There was plenty of talk about his charity, the pressure to play, and the reasons he often felt attacked by the media.

The highlights, though, were the exploration of the Beastquake and Lynch's infamous ability to stiff arm. Peyton even got Lynch to demonstrate with a remote control tackling dummy. The show also wrapped up with the pair riding in a golf cart, which was pretty fun.

Overall it was a solid premier, but not the greatest episode of the show. Lynch and his career are interesting, but he's not the greatest TV interview.


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