Peyton's Places, Lynn Swann


One of my best discoveries during the pandemic in 2020 was "Peyton's Places." Season one began last Fall to celebrate the 100th season of the NFL. It wrapped up in early 2020 and is the best thing about ESPN+. Naturally, it was renewed for Season 2. That season premiered November 29, and I've decided to chronicle each delightful episode.

This third episode took Peyton to meet up with Hall of Fame receiver Lynn Swann, who was a four-time Super Bowl Champion with the Steelers and an MVP who won one of the least desirable cars I've ever seen. Peyton brought said car to the episode and had a lot of fun with that, getting to hear some Super Bowl stories from Swann.

Another interesting aspect of the episode was the walk through history, seeing how cars used to be parked on the fringes of the field as a means of advertising. That led to some close calls, including Swann having to leap over a car at one point. Swann had a background in ballet, something he was proficient in, and that really helped with the athleticism and grace that helped him stand out.

Episodes like this are fun for me because Swann is a Hall of Fame player from a different era. Getting a window into his career, and seeing some of the incredible catches he made, and the strenuous hits he absorbed, really put the game into a different perspective. That's what makes "Peyton's Places" a blast, and really helps it bring the history of football alive.


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