A Week to Remember


"The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him." -Nahum 1:7

Like most of the country, we have had some rough weather the last week. At this time a week ago, we were barely above freezing in Colorado Springs and preparing to go lower, much lower. The snow came, the cold came, and it was a lot to see.

We weren't the only ones. I, like many, have watched those around the country, particularly in the South and Texas struggle with severe winter weather causing power outages, burst pipes and even death. It has been a tough week.

And yet, we persevere. I don't do well with extreme weather. I tend to stress and fixate, so this stretch hasn't been great for me, either. But it has led to me focusing on God, focusing on His promises, and praising Him for His provision in my life. I thought of the verse above, and others, as I gave thanks for warmth and protection against the storms.

As we emerged today, vaulting to the upper 40s and walking in the sun, I couldn't help but reflect on the last week and all the ways I've been blessed. Sometimes its the storms of life that show you how blessed you really are, and remind us to be grateful. And that's certainly how I feel, grateful to have made it through the snow and cold to see a stretch of sun.


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